

Subject: TOLPIT Newsletter August 2022.

Dear TOLPIT User,

The first important point in this newsletter is to inform you of all of the updates done on our website, or

There are now two news menu’s on our website.

“News” that will show, newsletter send during the year, this to give everyone a chance to catch up.

“Pricelists” will show all the newest price lists for suppliers in the GCC area. This menu is password protected, for access kindly send mail to, stating the company name, contact person, and mobile number for security reasons.

KINDLY NOTE: These pricelists are downloaded and uploaded at the user’s own risk, these pricelists are with “street prices” meaning any specific deals, made between user and supplier will not reflect. It is advised to use Libre Office to open these CSV files if editing is needed


A few facts should be mentioned regarding this project. It’s up and running, but there has been some confusion about what to do when, and how, so kindly follow this guideline.

Step 1: Generate a list from TOLPIT, in which all items show the barcode of each item. QLM uses barcodes as a filter when giving Pre-approval. This list must be sent directly to QLM and confirmation that Items have been updated in QLM must be received.

Step 2: Mail username and password to or From our side a confirmation will be sent via mail, when API is ready, username and passwords have been updated.

Step3: Kindly note, that every time new items are purchased, and new barcodes are generated, the new list must be sent to QLM to offer these items to customers members of QLM.

New feature released in TOLPIT, since the last newsletter.

● Setup > Brands > Discount field.

If there is a % filled in the field and the Setup > User access is without tic in max discount, then more discount than mentioned in the Setup > Brands is not possible, unless the user is a super user or manager of the location. A nice way to control max discounts on brands. (It was active some time back but was inactivated for some reason, it’s back.)

● Report > list > Stock. In the location field, you can now choose “All Active”, this means if you have closed shops or shops on standby, changing status in setup > location > from active to not active, will enable TOLPIT to only show stock availability in active shops.

● Complaint/repair feature, has been updated. Upon request special reports can be supplied, that will open for features like “Delivery date” and “Repair fee” among other possibilities.

In the hope that you all stay safe,

Yours faithfully


Jens Arve Bozinic Jepsen

CEO/Managing Director.

Jens Arve Bozinic Jepsen

CEO/Managing Director.